Frequently asked questions

You’ve got questions?

Good. I’ve got answers.

  • No, but that means we get to call the shots and that the only agenda is for you to receive the most effective care.

    I’m private pay and an out-of-network provider. Payment is due at time of service, and I do not correspond directly with insurance companies.

    I can offer a monthly superbill for you to submit to your insurance for any out-of-network service reimbursement you may qualify for. If interested in using out-of-network benefits, I suggest contacting your insurance to hear about OON reimbursement and deductibles.

  • $130 / 50 minutes for individual

    $150 / 50 minutes for couples and families

  • Yes. I have some availability in-person from my office in downtown St. George. I’m also available for online therapy.

  • A secure, confidential link for video conferencing will be sent to you upon appointment confirmation as well as with a reminder. Otherwise, the session will be much like in-person therapy.

  • So that we can make the most of our session time, you can expect to have some paperwork completed prior to our first session.

    In sessions, we can start wherever you want. Our initial session will include going over policies, informed consent and confidentiality. We will start a genogram (think family tree drawing) to capture information gathered and spur therapy into motion. We’ll set therapeutic goals that we will revisit throughout therapy to help determine progress. There will be space if you have any agenda. I will outline what following sessions will look like.

  • At the end of the day, as long as you want to be. Most of my clients transition to an as-needed basis after initial treatment goals are met through bi-monthly appointments. Often, clients return as they transition through different seasons in life.

  • You have the right to receive a "Good Faith Estimate" explaining how much your medical care (including mental health services) will cost under Section 2799B-6 of the Public Health Service Act. You have the right, at the time of service or upon request, to be notified what your expected charges will be. This will be included in your initial paperwork.

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