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therapy for teenagers in-person in st. george & online across utah.

feel like you’re finally getting somewhere in therapy and in life.

Young people connecting with each other in nature.

“where did i go?”

“I feel like a sailboat without a centerboard, drifting whichever way the wind blows.”

“how i feel about myself in the quiet moments is starting to feel like looking into a broken mirror.”

It’s safe to be yourself here.

hey, I’m trina.

You’ve experienced some big things already in today’s world, and no one gives you credit or seems to actually understand how much it has affected you. You’ve drifted away from who you once were—of course, in some ways, you’re older now. There just doesn’t seem like there is space for you when others disagree or see things differently. So, you took things into your own hands.

You are exhausted from needing to be a “chameleon” in different parts of your world. All the meanwhile, you feel the pressure to figure out who you are and what you’ll do in life. And you’re tired of running laps around people who tried to help in the past.

you could keep things under wraps for awhile—you’re adaptive and creative.

some days you feel a little lighter, but then the heaviness catches up again in the quiet moments and it is crushing.

Whether it’s at home or in your friends’ circle, social media drama, pressure from school, or trying to cope with loss or changes from painful experiences, some things have affected you to the core. All you know is that it makes sense to hide more and more, and now it’s hard to even know where to start in therapy.

Maybe random sensations or physical symptoms have come up that are trickier to mask by the day, or you just can’t get to the roots of things like migraines or tummy troubles after seeing medical doctors. It can seem like your body is screaming try to ignore me now!

Perhaps you can’t stand someone taking your picture, or you dread big gatherings. You feel things so deeply that it’s hard to fit it all into words, and it stops you in your tracks at the most inconvenient times. These are supposed to be the years, and now it’s hard to find support you connect with and feel like you can trust.


when you discover parts of yourself, everything else will fall into place.

Discovering parts of yourself allows you to know where you end and another person begins. Understanding the concept of a Self and figuring out your boundaries can allow you to feel more connected in relationships and navigate life without feeling like you have to sacrifice part of yourself. Self-care and communication skills help to manage stress, whether it’s at home or in the halls at school or behind the scenes online.


what would your life look like if your heart was in it again?

Sometimes the scariest place to be is stuck in the same spot again and again. Therapy with me isn’t about advice. The last thing you want is another adult lecturing. We keep it fresh, whether that means incorporating expressive arts, or figuratively speaking to someone in an “empty chair,” or going straight to the heart of what therapy is supposed to be with Brainspotting.


Here’s what I think about therapy:

  • This space is for you. That means you decide the agenda.

  • It’s not all your fault and nothing is “wrong” with you.

  • You have innate strengths we need to tap into.

  • Lasting changes have to do with something bigger than new skills.

  • I’m an advocate for you.

I believe you are the expert of you—even if that’s terrifying and empowering to know. We take things at your pace and find resources to work through the things you feel you need to.

A note to caregivers

  • Could you describe your teen as an iron-plated marshmallow? A lot of armor, but quite “soft” beneath it? Then you are in the right place.

    First, I get it. Your situation is complex. It has been tricky to find and trust help for your teen in the past. I’m with you. What your family has gone through is complicated.

    There will be times that it’s imperative to be in contact, and most of the time it’ll be important to allow the boundaries for your child’s therapy to work its magic. For nearly two decades, I’ve supported families experiencing complicated struggles and helped reconnect. In case you’re worried, the wool won’t be pulled over my eyes.

    Rest assured, I’m clinically sophisticated—and paying attention, to know when tools are being weaponized. I honor that you know your child next best to them knowing themselves. And that doesn’t mean if they want ice cream for breakfast, they get it.

    If I’m working with multiple clients for family reunification, we will set important groundwork from the start. Part of this process may entail letting go in order for your older child to interface with life fully. If I could have conflicting roles working with a family, I can offer great referrals as at times it’s important for individuals to fully have their own therapeutic space.

    Family sessions can be recommended or incorporated as individuals agree, and we can assess fit relative to therapeutic goals.

    Lastly, please note any resources from me for the time between sessions, as I’m not available outside of therapy. An alternative is to reschedule an appointment sooner. As always, seek medical attention if experiencing an emergency.



brainspotting for teens:

+ Sometimes the biggest thing that gets in the way in therapy is trying to explain it all. Work through issues without needing to talk about everything while experiencing deep healing through brainspotting, a brain-body based therapy. Brainspotting is a great tool to get a better hold of emotions and for resolving anxiety, traumas, phobias or anger. Sometimes staying knotted up eventually becomes more painful than untangling the roots.


If you’re ready to…


Improve communication and experience less conflicts.


Grow your self-esteem, confidence and body image.


Cultivate a strong sense of self.


Create a life you’re proud of.

…then let’s go.

Counselor for therapy for teens who seems easy to connect with.

discover for yourself that you matter.

let your true colors Shine.

  • Therapy for teens is specialized to meet the unique challenges and developmental needs of young people. It aims to help adolescents navigate the complexities of individuating and growing up.

    Some of the most common things that teens seeking support for are trust, being able to express true feelings, and exploring “who am I?”

  • Young people today are impacted in a myriad of ways, most which are out of their control, and the stigma is slowly changing around getting support for mental health struggles.

    Among these are issues are often anxiety, depression, food, body-image, self-harm, substance or technology, isolation and unique learning styles.

    Sensitivity and understanding are crucial, and family resources can play a key role with early intervention.

  • See “note to parents” above. Unless your child or someone in your house has been or is in danger, there are several systemic reasons that your teen needs space for themselves in therapy. I offer parents resources to learn more and support therapeutic goals. Please schedule a session if you’d like to speak further.

    I’m transparent with confidentiality with everyone, and consider it foundational for traction in therapy, and on-going process.

  • It’s ultimately not about the behavior. I listen to what’s behind it.

    Behavior is telling us an important message, in the best ways the individual has found success communicating it.

    That doesn’t mean behavior is excused. Often, focusing on behaviors is exactly what gets in the way. We will lean the other way to get to the root.

    So, although we address defiant behavior among others, we take the back door, which leads to lasting changes.

frequently asked questions